5 new COVID-19 cases, 19 new recovered cases

Five more Alaskans have tested positive for the coronavirus, while 19 more have recovered from the disease. For several days in a row, Alaska’s recovered cases has outnumbered the newly confirmed cases. Nearly half of the Alaskans who have been confirmed to have COVID-19 have recovered.

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services today announced the latest cases in three Alaskan communities: 3 in Anchorage, 1 in Palmer and 1 in Petersburg. Today’s numbers bring Alaska’s total case count to 319 with 153 of them recovered.

Three of the new cases are male and 2 are female.  Two are aged 30-39; one is aged 40-49; and two are aged 60-69.

There have been no new hospitalizations and no new deaths as a result of the virus reported in the last 24 hours. 

The Department of Health and Social Services updates the number of cases reported the day before at: coronavirus-response-alaska-dhss.hub.arcgis.

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